From a previous post that I made:
Right after my disfellowshipping I joined a “phone tree” of ex-Witnesses. A phone tree is a network of people with each others’ phone numbers and something they share in common. This was well before the Internet. On that phone tree I got in touch with ex-Witnesses from coast to coast (U.S.) and all the way up to Canada. I got in touch with James Penton, Richard Rawee and even Ray Franz (before he wrote his books).
On one occasion I called an ex-elder from Maine to have a talk. He politely excused himself saying that he had had a very rough day tending to and cleaning the blood of a disfellowshipped girl who attempted suicide. That broke something in me and I resolved to do something about it.
Soon after that I went to the Memorial. When the ceremony was ended I walked up to the table with the emblems and tipped it over spilling onto the floor and breaking the plates and wine glasses.
I never even learned the name of that girl or why she was disfellowshipped.